Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits - Phoenix SinglesWhen you invest your time and energy into a premium dating service, we think that you should expect certain things in return, aside from just a date with a remarkable person. If it were us, we would want personalized attention, exotic trips, and events that were catered to people like us, and that’s exactly what Phoenix Singles provides to our members. Sure, you could use a conventional dating service that doesn’t offer these services, but why would you want to? Dating is an experience, and with us you never have to settle for a mediocre experience.

By now we’re willing to bet that you’ve already been to some of the greatest bars and restaurants in Phoenix while dating. While The Lost Leaf is an amazing venue and sure to impress any beer aficionado, we know that at a certain Membership Benefits - Phoenix Singlespoint it’s not going to be as much fun going there on a date. Besides, we think it’d be much more exciting to take you and a dozen other eligible singles from around Phoenix to the Mediterranean or on cruise through the Bahamas where you can date in style and comfort. Don’t have time to book a vacation? We hear you, and that’s why we developed vacation packages that don’t require you to do anything except relax and board a flight out of the city with us. Rather stay in town? There’s gambling at Harrah’s and Ak-chin casinos if you’re so inclined. No matter your preference, we have something that is perfect for you.

Phoenix Singles offers a number of services for discerning individuals who use our services. For the benefit of our members, we have variable services and events so that no one is ever left out of the mix. We currently offer:

  • Day trip to locations in and near Phoenix and the surrounding communities
  • Cruises to far off locations
  • Speed dating events in town
  • Access to our online dating profiles
  • Professional profile photos taken for your profile
  • Local customer service
  • A locally run office you can visit
  • Detailed background checks to help keep out criminals

Dating with Phoenix Singles is far from ordinary. You and your future partner are exceptional people, and we think your dating service should be exceptional as well.